Embracing the Value of Hobbies and Passions Beyond Monetary Returns

Don’t get the passion and money twisted.

Jordan Mendiola
3 min readFeb 13, 2024
Photo by Sora Shimazaki: https://www.pexels.com/photo/online-shopping-5935739/

Were you ever that kid who had dreams of turning your passion into your career? I’m sure many of us have. It’s not particularly easy pushing yourself every day when the money is not matching your output.

It forces us to step outside of our bubble and aim to be better. In some cases, this obsession with money ends up being the thing that destroys our self-discipline.

I watched a movie recently called “The Switch Up”, and Ryan Reynold’s character gets put on blast. Another character says that “he never finishes anything”. Some part in that line made me realize, oh shit, that’s me.

I started a YouTube as a Kid

When I was young, I knew I had this entertainer in me. I knew that I enjoyed getting in front of a camera and sharing content with the world.

It started with some homemade videos with my brothers, a few travel vlogs, and informational videos as well.

I started a blog during the Pandemic

GaryVee got me inspired to blog. I saw success, but ultimately lost motivation and am inconsistent.

I started posting content…



Jordan Mendiola

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!